Tag: Blackboard

RESOLVED – Known Issue: Blackboard Learn Math Editor Display Formulas Overlapping

Update, Wednesday, September 29 at 4:45 PM: Blackboard recently applied updates to font packages for the MathType Editor to resolve the overlapping symbols issue. Users still experiencing symbol overlap should follow these steps to make the MathType Editor recognize the new packages: Create a new MathType formula using a font size of 16px or lower…

Instructional Technology News – August 18 – Welcome to Fall 2021 and Happy #FirstDayUA

Dear instructors, Welcome to the fall 2021 semester at The University of Alabama! Your colleagues here in The Center for Instructional Technology are available to help with your instructional technology and accessibility needs. We provide training, support, workshops, webinars and consultations for  UA’s instructional technologies which include Blackboard Learn, Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, Flipgrid, Gradescope, Hypothesis,…

Instructional Technology News – August 16

Hello instructors, Melissa here from The Center for Instructional Technology. As you may know, our team recently migrated UA’s instance of Blackboard Learn to the cloud. While the migration was successful, there are a couple of Blackboard-related Known Issues I’d like to make sure you’re aware of. I also ask your patience as your colleagues…

RESOLVED – Known Issue: Banner Event Processing

As of Monday, August 16, at 4:25 PM, CIT is aware that certain Banner events – users getting added to or dropped from courses, instructor course assignments, etc. – continue to process. Until this issue is resolved, your Blackboard course and user lists may not reflect the same data that is in myBama.

Instructional Technology News – August 13

Hello instructors,   I am pleased to let you know that UA’s instance of Blackboard Learn has successfully moved to the cloud! Blackboard Learn, and the other affected instructional technologies, are now available. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we performed these necessary upgrades!  Notes and next steps:  I invite you to log into Blackboard Learn and check…

Instructional Technology News – August 3

It’s here. After more than one full year of preparation, the CIT is moving Blackboard Learn to the cloud! We’ve been buzzing about this upgrade since April, and we appreciate your patience as we perform the upgrade to make UA’s instance of Blackboard Learn a more flexible, scalable and resilient platform. In case you missed it, Blackboard…

Feb. 8 Blackboard Data Center Maintenance – Service Interruption Possible

On Friday, February 8, 2019 between the hours of 1 AM – 5:00 AM CST, Blackboard will be performing maintenance on the data center that hosts UA’s Blackboard system. While they anticipate no interruption in service as a result of the work, they cannot entirely rule out brief periods of intermittent connectivity.