Known Issue: Low speaker volume in Blackboard Collaborate when using iOS 15 and Safari 15
- November 9th, 2021
- in Known Issues
From Blackboard:
Collaborate – Low speaker volume in Collaborate when using iOS 15 and Safari 15
Date Published: Nov 08, 2021Category: Product:Known Issues & Error Messages; Version:Web Conferencing
Article No.: 000076023Product: Collaborate
Service Pack(s): Web Conferencing
Description: Collaborate users on iOS 15 and Safari 15 are experiencing low speaker volume that may make it hard to hear the Collaborate session.
Resolution/Workaround: Apple has confirmed a known issue with their WebKit and are planning a fix for an upcoming iOS 15 release.
Related Behind the Blackboard article: Collaborate – Low speaker volume in Collaborate when using iOS 15 and Safari 15
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