Category: Announcements

July 2024 Instructor News from the Center for Instructional Technology 

Hello from your colleagues in CIT! Below, you’ll find announcements and events to assist you with teaching and learning needs.

Join CIT for the 2024 Faculty Prep Days, August 15 & 16

Save the date to join The Center for Instructional Technology to get your Fall courses polished and ready to go. CIT is hosting two days of workshops (both in-person and virtual) and one-on-one technical and pedagogical assistance to get you ready for the Fall semester. Watch for the complete schedule in the August newsletter.

A Busy Blackboard Summer

Meet the new Blackboard! UA instructors can now explore and teach with Blackboard Learn Ultra Course View, and CIT and OTIDE have established a goal of having all courses designed and delivered in “Ultra” by Spring 2026.

‌Summer is a great time to explore the simpler, more modern Blackboard or prepare to teach with Ultra in the fall! Request a live course or request a practice course if you need a space to build or play, and follow along in our Ultra Team as we share tips, tricks, and things to try in Ultra this summer. We’ll invite you to the Team when we create your course.

Changes to Blackboard Learn Courses page

A June update brings changes to the Courses tab you see from the Base Navigation menu where your name appears after logging into Blackboard Learn.

 Course page with search for "medical" and current courses

Some highlights:

  • Anthology removed the carousel for navigating between terms. There is now a term selector and filter you can use on its own or with other filters.
  • You can set filters, make term choices, and add text searches. All of these are clearly displayed below the search box. Remove these search settings or filters to see more courses or organizations. Remove them by selecting the close icon “x” on each.
  • Your selections and filters are remembered automatically even if you log out or switch devices. 

For more on the Courses page, check out this CIT knowledge base article: How do I find my courses?

Action Required for Blackboard Learn Mobile App

Instructors use the Blackboard app to create content, post announcement, grade student work, and much more (see Teaching a course with the Blackboard app to learn more!).

After the Blackboard Learn App 9.6 is released (July 2024), users will be required to update the app on their devices to ensure proper functionality. Users who do not update after the release will see a red banner informing them that their session has expired.

Panopto Changes Underway

Retention Policy Updates 

To ensure that The University of Alabama’s Panopto storage quota is not exceeded, a new Retention Policy has been created. Panopto recordings will be archived 2 years after their last viewed date. Recordings will be permanently deleted 2 years after they are archived. Read complete details here: Panopto Retention Policy

Blackboard and Panopto Integration Changes Under Review

CIT has updated the method used to connect Blackboard and Panopto. We are currently reviewing the changes and making adjustments to folder structure. While this work is underway, the Panopto folder and embedded Panopto videos in your course may not look or function as expected. Please contact us if you need help, and we’ll share an announcement when the work is complete.

This change will also enable the ability to use Panopto content and folders with Blackboard Learn Ultra Course View. We’ll share more information after the update, but, for now, you can see a preview here: How to Use Panopto with Blackboard Ultra for Instructors

Upcoming UI/UX changes  

Panopto will soon release Panopto 15.0, which includes changes to the appearance and management of folders. No downtime is expected with this release.

For example, a new drop-down menu will be added to folder headers to allow highly used folder functions (Rename, Move, Share, Delete) to be accessible without having to open folder settings:

Folder Drop-down menu in Header

Read more about the changes to Panopto’s look and feel: What’s new: UI/UX Changes coming in Panopto 15.0 This update will also bring improvements to keyboard accessibility, screen reader support, and language support for Arabic. A full list of the features coming in 15.0 will be shared in Panopto’s release notes forum when the update is underway.

CIT Technology and Tool Highlights

Welcome Perusall

Perusall, an interactive social learning platform, is now integrated with Blackboard Learn, making it easier to create assignments, sync student groups and rosters, and sync your gradebook. Learn more.

Flip Changes

Effective July 1, 2024, the Flip platform is no longer available in mobile app stores, and the Flip website has transitioned to view-only mode. Users will still have access to download existing Flip videos until September 30, 2024.  Locate video and text-based discussion alternatives to Flip on the CIT website.  

Turnitin Enhanced Similarity Report

Instructors can now choose between new and classic views of the Turnitin Similarity Report. While the classic view offers familiar match types and interface, the Enhanced report has a redesigned look and feel and match groups such as “Not Cited or Quoted” or “Missing Citation,” making it easier to interpret and use as a formative learning tool to strengthen academic writing skills.

Video: Understanding text similarity for instructors: Enhanced similarity report

Read more at Turnitin Help: Using the New Similarity Report and see the new similarity report in action.  

Upcoming Learning Opportunities

New to one of our instructional tech. tools? We would love to guide you step-by-step or provide tips and ideas for using technology in your class. Just let us know how we can help! 

07.09 | Workshop 

07.09 | Getting Started with Panopto 

07.12 | Meet the New Blackboard: Blackboard Learn Ultra Course View

07.25 | Doing more with Panopto

Fall 2024 Faculty Prep Days

SAVE THE DATE: Fall Faculty Prep Days August 15 & 16

Join The Center for Instructional Technology to get your Fall courses polished and ready to go. CIT is hosting two days of workshops and one-on-one technical and pedagogical assistance to get you ready for the Fall semester. CIT will share more information about the event, including a detailed event schedule and registration links in July 2024.

Turnitin and Gradescope Maintenance April 20

Please be aware that Turnitin has scheduled down time on Saturday, April 20 for 5 hours. This is a maintenance window from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM CDT.

Turnitin and Gradescope will be unavailable to all students and faculty during this time.

Turnitin New Feature – Resync Grade

Turnitin released a “Resync Grade” feature for instructors to use in the Assignment Inbox. If a student’s grade is not synced to the Grade Center, this should resolve that issue. Here are steps to find this feature:

  1. Click on the link for a Turnitin assignment.
  2. In the Assignment Inbox, select the More menu (•••).
  3. Choose the option Resync Grade.

You will see a message that states “Grade resynchronization successfully completed” at the bottom of the Assignment Inbox when it is complete. Please check the Blackboard Grade Center to confirm the sync.

If you have any problems with this process, please contact the Center for Instructional Technology for assistance.

New Zoom cloud recordings will also be saved in Panopto

Beginning Oct. 27, 2023, a copy of all new Zoom sessions recorded to the cloud will automatically be saved to Panopto, UA’s media manager and lecture capture tool. Users will experience no changes to their Zoom account and will continue to have the option to store recordings on their computer or in the cloud. Sessions recorded to Zoom Cloud prior to Oct. 27 will not be affected.

  • New Sessions Only: This automatic process only applies to new sessions recorded to Zoom Cloud.
  • Zoom meeting hosts who save recordings to the cloud will continue to receive a view link email notification from Zoom once the session has ended.
  • A copy of new Zoom sessions recorded to the cloud will be saved to a “Meetings Recordings” folder within a user’s “My Folder” in Panopto.
  • Zoom cloud recordings are only saved to the Zoom cloud for a limited amount of time. Saving a copy of recordings to Panopto will ensure long-term storage.

August 24 Instructor News from the Center for Instructional Technology 

Welcome to Fall 2023 from your Center for Instructional Technology! Below, you’ll find announcements and events to assist you with teaching and learning needs. As always, email, call 205-348-3532, or stop by A203 Gordon Palmer Hall for assistance with UA’s instructional tech tools. 

Simple Syllabus –Per the UA Syllabus Policy, Fall 2023 syllabi must be published by August 23. Visit UA Simple Syllabus support site for workshops, and other resources.  

  • Need help getting started with Simple Syllabus? Getting Started with Simple Syllabus 
  • Need help publishing your syllabus? Publish the syllabus 
  • Need help adding your syllabus to a course? Add a syllabus link to your Blackboard course 
  • Issues with course materials listed in Simple Syllabus? Confirm that the right texts are listed with University Supply Store, If the correct materials are listed with the SUPe Store, they will update in Simple overnight. Email if they do not update in Simple. 
  • Effective Fall 2023, two new optional components have been added to Simple Syllabus. Instructors may include one or both of the following on their syllabi as they deem appropriate. These optional items will not display on the syllabus if no information is entered in the respective components. 
    •  Generative AI Tools: Instructors may include a syllabus statement regarding the use of generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT. In the Help section of this syllabus component, instructors may review and select one of three suggested statements to be included on the syllabus based on their preference. These statements can be copied and pasted into the component text box.  
    • Controversial Topics: Instructors may also include a statement in the syllabus if they believe there are topics in the course which may be considered controversial. The sample statement listed in the Help section of this component may be copied and pasted into the component text box. 


Changes to Third-Party Integrations in Blackboard Learn 

Several publisher and other third party tools have a new method of working within Blackboard Learn and may have slightly different steps. We have worked closely with each vendor to document any changes in the workflow or appearance of these tools. Instructors may also be contacted by textbook providers if adjustments are needed to the steps instructors must follow to use these digital resources in Blackboard Learn. 

Stay up to date as we make these changes by subscribing to the CIT Announcements page. 

Collaborate End of Use 

Class Collaborate was removed from Blackboard Learn on Aug 10. UA departments using Class Collaborate OUTSIDE of Blackboard may still access Class Collaborate until Sept 30. CIT suggests instructors use Zoom or Teams for synchronous class meetings and Panopto for lecture capture. 

Using MS Teams and Zoom conferencing for online sessions in your courses 

Instructional Tech Resources and Reminders 

The CIT Knowledge Base is your clearinghouse for tutorials, known issues, and best practices.  

Getting Started with Blackboard (includes helpful links for start of semester) 

Blackboard Browser Checker 

Ultra Course View Pilot Continues 

Instructors interested in teaching with Ultra Course View in an upcoming academic term should submit a request via the CIT portal: Blackboard Learn Ultra LIVE Course Pilot Request. 

Upcoming Learning Opportunities 

We have been hard at work putting together workshops and webinars to meet the needs of UA faculty and instructors! Select upcoming sessions are listed below, but keep up to date on all the training sessions at 

Teaching with Blackboard Sessions

These CIT-led workshops and webinars aim to help you get started with and get the most out of Blackboard Learn, UA’s learning management system. Upcoming sessions include:

  • Teaching with Blackboard: Blackboard Learn Basics 
    • Thursday, August 31, 2023, 3:00 – 4:00 pm – Meets in A232 Gordon Palmer Hall
    • Wednesday, September 6, 2023, 2:00 – 3:00 pm – Meets in A232 Gordon Palmer Hall
    • Thursday, September 14, 2023, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm – Meets in A232 Gordon Palmer Hall
  • Teaching with Blackboard: Grading and Managing the Gradebook 
    • Wednesday, September 13, 2023, 10:00 – 11:00 am – Meets online via Microsoft Teams
    • Thursday, September 14, 2023, 3:00 – 4:00 pm – Meets in A232 Gordon Palmer Hall

Register for CIT-led Teaching with Blackboard workshops and webinars.

Teaching with Turnitin Sessions

Turnitin provides tools for grading and peer review and helps deter and prevent plagiarism by checking student-submitted work against an extensive online database. Learn more in these upcoming sessions:

  • Teaching with Turnitin: Turnitin Basics 
    • Thursday, August 31, 2023, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm – Meets online via Microsoft Teams
    • Wednesday, September 13, 2023, 2:00 – 3:00 pm – Meets in A232 Gordon Palmer Hall
  • Teaching with Turnitin: Understanding Similarity Reports and Scores 
    • Thursday, September 7, 2023, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm – Meets online via Microsoft Teams

Register for CIT-led Teaching with Turnitin workshops and webinars.

Adobe Professional Faculty Training

These training opportunities, led by Adobe experts, are provided exclusively to UA instructors.

  • Student Research Journals Workshop
    • Thursday, August 31, 10:00 – 11:00 am (virtual only) – Discover 10 simple steps to create research journals, digital papers, reports and presentations. Learners explore options to create and share their work as an Adobe Creative Cloud Express web page instead of using a word processor or slide deck. 90-minute session.
  • Create visuals in Express and Illustrator
    • Friday, September 8, 2023, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm (in person + virtual) – This workshop is a excellent professional development solution to help faculty enhance their students’ communication skills with Adobe Express and Illustrator. We’ll share ideas and resources for infusing creative thinking, communication, collaboration and project-based learning into your classes, and show you how your students can quickly and easily transform essays, student writing, lab reports, posters, worksheets, presentations, and other common classroom projects into creative digital images, dynamic web pages, infographics, videos, posters, visual reports and more. Participants will leave with ready-to-use resources and ideas for the classroom.

Register for Adobe sessions

Simple Syllabus 

Multiple dates in August offered both in-person (Gordon Palmer, A232) and virtually

In this one-hour session of UA’s new syllabus platform, Simple Syllabus, we’ll cover:

  • How to access Simple Syllabus
  • How to navigate and edit the syllabus
  • UA statements included on the syllabus
  • Required items to be completed by the instructor
  • How to add items to the syllabus
  • How to save and submit the syllabus
  • How to access the syllabus from Blackboard Learn.

Register for an upcoming session

Flip Basics  

Explore the features inside Flip, UA’s video discussion tool, and learn how to level up the ways your scholars communicate and share their learning.

Wednesday, September 6, 10:00 – 11:00 am 

Zoom Basics  

Learn the basic features for conducting a zoom meeting including an overview of Zoom’s web portal and desktop client, how to schedule a meeting and invite others, and we’ll review the in-meeting host and participant controls.

Monday, August 28, 10:00 – 11:00 am 

Zoom Advanced 

This CIT instructor led session will explore Zoom features including recurring meetings, breakout rooms, polls, and reports.

Tuesday, August 29, 10:00 – 11:00 am 

Introduction to Panopto 

Join CIT for a webinar that covers the basics of using the lecture capture and video platform, Panopto.  This webinar is designed for new users and beginners who would like to learn how to use the Panopto interface and recording features.

Tuesday, August 29, 1:00 – 2:00 pm 

Monday, September 11, 10:00 – 11:00 am 

Doing more with Panopto  

Join CIT for a webinar that covers features that extend beyond the introductory Panopto class.

Tuesday, September 5, 1:00 – 2pm

Tuesday, September 19, 10:00 – 11:00 am 

Hypothesis: Annotation Starter Assignments  

This 30-minute workshop is ideal for instructors who are interested in using social annotation in their courses but aren’t exactly sure how to provide guidance to students. The Hypothesis team will review ideas for annotation starter assignments and provide you with ready-to-use instructions for a variety of disciplines and modalities. It doesn’t matter if you’re teaching humanities, business, STEM, or the health professions, or if you’re teaching face-to-face or online — you’ll get strategies from this workshop that you can add immediately to an assignment in your course.

Thursday, August 31, 12:00 – 12:30 pm 

Hypothesis – Activating Annotation in Blackboard   

The Hypothesis team will share how teachers are using annotation-powered reading to help students develop foundational academic skills like deep reading and persuasive writing.

Thursday, September 7, 2:00-2:30 pm 

Annotate Your Syllabus with Hypothesis   

Asking your class to annotate the syllabus allows you to introduce students to social annotation in a low-stakes way. Even better, you’re providing them with an opportunity to engage with the syllabus, to share ideas and to ask questions about the course in a way that sets the tone for engagement throughout the term. In this workshop, the Hypothesis team will review ideas and guidance for the collaborative syllabus annotation assignment.

Tuesday, September 12, 12:00-1:00 pm 

Microsoft Teams meetings for virtual class sessions 

Learn how to use “meet now” and how to schedule a virtual class meeting, explore meeting tools, and examine settings to further control and manage your virtual class meetings.

Thursday, September 7, 3:00 – 4:00 pm – Getting Started   

Create your professional faculty website using our easy drag-and-drop web platform. In this session, you’ll learn how to add text and pictures, create column layouts, add video, audio, and hyperlinks, and add and rearrange pages.

Pre-registration required at


Check out more instructional technology workshops at  


As always, we are available Monday-Friday, 8:00-4:45 to help you. We look forward to working with you soon. 

Email – Phone – 205-348-3532 Website and Knowledge Base – 

Adobe Professional Faculty Training

This fall, the Center for Instructional Technology is partnering with Adobe to offer four customized Adobe training sessions exclusive to UA faculty members. Each session is instructed by an Adobe certified trainer and designed to share ideas and resources for infusing creative thinking and communication in the classroom. Participants will receive a certificate and digital badge for professional development.

Register for a session(s).

Watch the UA Events calendar for additional sessions coming later this fall. In addition, all UA faculty and instructors have access to the Adobe Education Exchange, a comprehensive library of training, resources, and guides. To access this free resource, visit and log in using your @ua email address and myBama password.

If you have any questions or need additional help accessing desired Adobe trainings, contact CIT at or 205-348-3532.

Respondus 4.0 Campus-Wide Reactivation

Each year we provide a new “activation password” that can be used to reactivate a copy of Respondus 4.0 that was previously installed or to install a new copy of the software.

  • New installations of Respondus 4.0 can begin using this password information immediately.
  • Current users may be prompted to enter the new password upon software startup.

The password is included in the instructions to install and download the Respondus 4 campus-wide software in the software catalog.

  1. Navigate to the OIT Software Catalog in your web browser.
  2. Click on Download Respondus and enter your myBama username and password.
  3. Select the link Instructions to Download and Install Respondus 4 to view or download instructions and the activation password.

If you have any trouble accessing this file, or any questions about Respondus 4, please contact CIT through our support portal.

Known Issue – August 12 Turnitin Maintenance

Turnitin will take an 8 hour maintenance window on August 12, 09:00AM – 5:00PM,  with the following services being unavailable during these times:

Turnitin (including all Integrations)
Originality (including all Integrations)
Similarity (including Integrations)
Draft Coach
Gradescope (Code Similarity & LTI 1.3 Only)
Feedback Studio for iOS

CIT will post another reminder about this maintenance in August. Please let us know if you have any questions by submitting a request to our support portal.