Category: Known Issues

Known Issue – Panopto for Mac updates July 20

CIT is aware of an upcoming Panopto update affecting Mac users and the Panopto desktop application. Panopto for Mac is upgrading to version 13.0.0. This version will require at least macOS 11. This means those using macOS 10.15 or older will be required to upgrade to macOS 11 or newer. This upgrade will be applied…

Known Issue – Gradescope Maintenance 6-11

The Gradescope website will undergo maintenance on Sunday 11th June at 10:00 AM -10:30 AM CT. During this time, all features of Gradescope will not be accessible. Users accessing the service via an integration, or through our mobile app, will also be unable to do so.  

Known Issue – Blackboard error message

Some off-campus users are receiving an error message when attempting to access Blackboard. We are in contact with Blackboard Support and will update this post as we receive more information. If you are unable to access Blackboard, please visit our Knowledge Base article: Blackboard Server Error Troubleshooting. If you have any questions, please contact CIT…

Known Issue- Blackboard Server Error April 25-26

Update (4/26 @ 2:30 PM): This issue has been resolved, but some users may still experience problems accessing our Blackboard site. Blackboard Support has provided reasoning for temporary issues after yesterday’s global DNS issue: …the DNS server propagation process may not have completed for those who are connected to certain Internet Service Providers (ISPs). However, please…

Known Issue – Windows 7 and Lockdown Browser

Respondus has announced support for Windows 7 will end on June 28, 2023.  Several technologies they rely on are ending their support for Windows 7 on that date, which means LockDown Browser will also cease working on Windows 7 computers at that time. Students using Windows 7 will need to upgrade to Windows 10/11 or find…

RESOLVED – Qualtrics Outgoing Emails Error

Update 3/10/23: The issue is resolved. If you are still getting an error message, please submit a request through our support portal. We are aware of an issue with outgoing emails in Qualtrics. All UA Qualtrics users that attempt to send email responses will receive an error message that states “Weekly email limit reached. You’ve…

Known Issue – File Response test question issue in Blackboard

We are aware of an issue in Blackboard tests with a file response question type. If the test is set to open in a new window, students are unable to attach and submit a file when trying to attach a file to a File Response question. There is no obvious error, the file just will…

Known Issue – Special Characters in Blackboard

The following special characters may cause error messages when used in the name of items like assignments, tests, discussion board forums, and file attachments: % & # < > = \ + / ‘ , ” : ! ? $ @ | [ ] { } The best solution is to remove special characters from…

Known Issue: Reminder for Turnitin Maintenance on Jan 14

Turnitin will take an 8 hour maintenance window on Saturday, January 14 from 11:00 AM CT – 7:00 PM CT. The following CIT supported services are unavailable during these times: Turnitin Draft Coach Gradescope Feedback Studio for iOS If you have any questions, please make a request through the CIT Support Portal.

Known Issue: Turnitin Maintenance Jan 14

Turnitin will take an 8 hour maintenance window on January 14 from 11:00 AM CT – 7:00 PM CT. The following CIT supported services are unavailable during these times: Turnitin Draft Coach Gradescope Feedback Studio for iOS If you have any questions, please make a request through the CIT Support Portal.