Update 6/28/23: We are still working with the vendor to resolve the issue. In the meantime, users should be able to access Simple Syllabus by adding a tool link in their Blackboard course. Follow the instructions below or visit our
knowledge base article:
In your Blackboard course, click on the + icon at the top of the side menu bar and click Tool Link.
Name the Tool Link (example: Course Syllabus).
Select Simple Syllabus from the Type drop-down list.
Select the check box if you wish to make the syllabus available to student users. This can be changed later, if desired.
Click Submit.
The link is added at the bottom of the course menu. Drag/drop to the desired location anywhere on the menu. Click the Syllabus link you just created to begin reviewing and editing the syllabus.
A small number of users are receiving account not found errors when attempting to access Simple Syllabus via myBama or direct login at
ua.simplesyllabus.com. UA’s IT team is working with the vendor to resolve the issue. Report any access issues and error messages to CIT – cit@ua.edu or call 205-348-3532.