Category: Announcements

New Version of Mac Respondus Lockdown Browser

LockDown Browser for Mac, version, has been released.  This release contains improvements to security and minor bug fixes. Existing installs of LockDown Browser will NOT be auto-updated at this time. To obtain the latest version ( use the “Check for Update” feature or run the full installation program. Respondus Lockdown Browser can be downloaded…

New Version of Windows Respondus Lockdown Browser

LockDown Browser for Windows, version, has been released.  This release includes accessibility improvements, a new search function, and security improvements. Existing installs of LockDown Browser will be auto-updated shortly. To obtain the latest version ( run the full installation program.

Known Issue – Turnitin PeerMark issue for students

Turnitin engineers are aware of an issue where students are not able to access all the peer reviews they received from their assignment inbox. Turnitin will launch either the first peer review or self-review only. As a workaround, please launch the first peer review from the assignment inbox and use the navigation arrows at the…

Troubleshooting Respondus Lockdown Browser for Students

Troubleshooting for “You have not logged in yet or your session expired,” or other connectivity and IP address error messages: “Forget” non-Eduroam networks How to forget a Wi-Fi network on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac How to forget a Wi-Fi network on your Windows 10 PC Disable MAC Randomization in Windows Some versions…

Resolved – Blackboard unavailable

Update: @12:42 PM: Blackboard is now available. If you experience any issues accessing Blackboard, please submit a request with the Center for Instructional Technology. We will post any new information when we receive it. Blackboard is experiencing unplanned downtime. We are working with Blackboard Support to resolve this issue and we will update this post…

Blackboard Instructor mobile app reminder

Support for Blackboard Instructor ends on September 30, 2022. Download the unified Blackboard app now! Blackboard has updated their mobile app experience. The new unified Blackboard app is available for instructors and students. Users get the same modern and intuitive experience in any device​, in a single app, with the features Learners and Instructors use the…

2022 Adobe Celebration Week – Sept. 12-16

Join OIT for a kick-off event on the Quad Sept. 12 from 12:00 – 4:00 pm as part of the 2022 Adobe Celebration Week, Sept. 12-16. All week we’ll feature guest presenters and host workshops focused around the Adobe Creative Cloud Tools. During the 2022 Adobe Celebration Week, we’ll dive into new Adobe offerings that utilize some…

Instructional Technology News – August 15, 2022

Welcome to the Fall 2022 Semester  The Center for Instructional Technology (CIT) welcomes you back for the Fall 2022 semester. Below are a few resources to help you and your students get prepared for classes.  The Center for Instructional Technology exists to help with your instructional technology and accessibility needs. We provide training, support, workshops,…

Clicker software is now named PointSolutions

Turning has a new name! Our clickers & mobile polling software has been rebranded to PointSolutions and is powered by Echo360. Turning has merged with Echo360 and the software and mobile app have changed their name to PointSolutions. The processes in the desktop software (for instructors) are the same, but with new branding from Echo360. For…

Blackboard Learn course term names changed

Blackboard Learn course terms are used to define the beginning and end of a period of study. The course term defines where a course appears on the Courses page. Here you can also select a term from the dropdown menu to move between past, current, and upcoming courses. CIT recently revised the course term names…