Category: Known Issues

Known Issue – Simple Syllabus

Courses and course materials may take 24-48 hours to appear in your syllabus in Simple Syllabus. Explanation: Simple Syllabus receives nightly updates from Banner/myBama for instructor and student enrollment and course/section creation. Course materials listed with the University SUpply Store may not appear in Simple Syllabus for 2 days. Need help? If Simple is not…

Resolved- Panopto Service Disruption 8-3

Resolved 8/3/24 6:45 AM: Panopto Support reports that the issue is resolved. They are monitoring the site to ensure that it remains resolved. This disruption lasted from approximately 5:55 AM – 6:45 AM Central. Panopto Support is investigating a service disruption. Users may be unable to access the site and view, edit or upload new…

Known Issue – Emails for Old Blackboard Announcements

Users may receive email notifications for old, scheduled Blackboard course announcements. Blackboard Support is aware of this issue and is working to resolve it. We will update this post as we receive more information. If you have any questions, please contact the Center for Instructional Technology.

Resolved – Missing Course Videos Link

RESOLVED – 7/04/24 @ 4:00 AM CT: The issue is resolved. Course Videos links are now present in all courses. If you are still having trouble accessing Panopto content, please contact CIT. Some Blackboard courses may be missing the Course Videos link. The Course Videos link allows instructors and students to access Panopto, our lecture…

Known Issue – Simple Syllabus Issues

CIT is aware of some issues within Simple Syllabus. 1) Users may experience slowness when using Simple Syllabus. 2) Users may not see their upcoming course syllabus listed in the Simple Syllabus system. There is a background process that is taking longer than expected, and the vendor is working to resolve it. We will update…

Known Issue – Panopto Maintenance 6/19

Panopto will be unavailable on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 from 3:30 AM CT – 6:30 AM CT for a scheduled maintenance. Panopto is our supported lecture capture and course videos system. This maintenance will not affect other instructional technologies during this time. We will update this post with any information regarding the maintenance window and…

Known Issue – Gradescope Maintenance June 29

Gradescope will undergo a scheduled maintenance on Saturday, June 29, 2024 from 8:00 AM –  10:00 AM. During this time, all features of Gradescope will not be accessible. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Center for Instructional Technology.

Known Issue – Panopto Playback Statistics

Panopto discovered an issue with video playback statistics beginning on May 30th and 31st. What is the issue? Video playback statistics for the minutes delivered are not recorded if the browser tab loses focus of the window containing the viewer [user switches tabs or rearranges windows in a way that hides the browser window containing…

Known Issue – Changes to Flip

Starting July 1, 2024, the Flip platform will no longer be available in mobile app stores, and the Flip website ( will transition to view-only mode. Users will still have access to download existing Flip videos until September 30, 2024. CIT is currently assessing how these modifications will impact UA instructors. Additionally, they are exploring…

Known Issue – Turnitin Slowness 5-15

Turnitin is experiencing a service incident. Users may experience slowness when uploading submissions, and there may be a delay in Similarity report generation. Turnitin Support is working to identify the issue and a resolution. We will update this post with any new information.