
December 1 – Instructor News from the Center for Instructional Technology 

Hello from your colleagues in CIT! Below you’ll find resources to help with finals and grading. If you need help with instructional technology, including assistance with your exam and grading setup, please contact    Resources for Exams and Grading:    Testing Tips for Instructors, including ways to avoid common issues   Add Accommodations to a Blackboard Test,…

Known Issue- Panopto Service Disruption

Panopto has announced that it is experiencing a service disruption and that users may experience errors with all aspects of Panopto, including login, recording, playback, editing, browsing, and viewing. Panopto will update this issue announcement by 17-Nov-2023 7PM Central.  

Turnitin New Feature – Resync Grade

Turnitin released a “Resync Grade” feature for instructors to use in the Assignment Inbox. If a student’s grade is not synced to the Grade Center, this should resolve that issue. Here are steps to find this feature: Click on the link for a Turnitin assignment. In the Assignment Inbox, select the More menu (•••). Choose…

Known Issue – Turnitin assignment issue

CIT is aware of a sporadic issue where some students attempt to access a Turnitin assignment in the Safari browser. Instead of accessing the assignment, students are prompted to login again through a Turnitin interface. Workarounds Students have a couple of options to workaround this issue. 1. Use another browser (Firefox or Chrome). OR 2.…

Resolved – Turnitin Service Incident Nov 2

Resolved @10:00 AM: Turnitin service is restored. CIT is aware of a Turnitin service incident on Thursday, November 2, 2023. During this time, you may find that you are unable to access Turnitin through Blackboard or access reports. We will update this post as we receive more information, or you can track this issue’s progress…

November 1 Instructor News from the Center for Instructional Technology

Below, you’ll find announcements and events to assist you with teaching and learning needs. As always, email, call 205-348-3532, or stop by A203 Gordon Palmer Hall for assistance with UA’s instructional tech tools.   Instructional Tech Resources and Reminders  The CIT Knowledge Base is your clearinghouse for tutorials, known issues, and best practices. The Blackboard…

Resolved – Turnitin Feedback Studio Error Oct 31

Resolved @2:45 PM: Turnitin Support reports that service has been restored. Turnitin Feedback Studio is currently experiencing an unexpected service incident. Users may have trouble using Turnitin Feedback Studio through Blackboard and receive an error message that says “Sorry, we could not process your request. You are not authorized to access this resource.” We will update…

Known Issue – Panopto maintenance changed to Nov 3

Update: The Panopto Cloud maintenance has changed to Friday, November 3, 2023. Our site will be down for maintenance from 10:00 pm to 11:30 pm. Please contact the Center for Instructional Technology if you have any questions.  

New Zoom cloud recordings will also be saved in Panopto

Beginning Oct. 27, 2023, a copy of all new Zoom sessions recorded to the cloud will automatically be saved to Panopto, UA’s media manager and lecture capture tool. Users will experience no changes to their Zoom account and will continue to have the option to store recordings on their computer or in the cloud. Sessions…

October 10 Instructor News from the Center for Instructional Technology

Happy Fall!   Below, you’ll find announcements and events to assist you with teaching and learning needs. As always, email, call 205-348-3532, or stop by A203 Gordon Palmer Hall for assistance with UA’s instructional tech tools.    Instructional Tech Resources and Reminders  The CIT Knowledge Base is your clearinghouse for tutorials, known issues, and best…
