Category: Known Issues

Known Issue – Simple Syllabus Error and Google Chrome

We have received reports of issues accessing Simple Syllabus through the Google Chrome browser. Users may receive an error message that says “Checking proxy and firewall” or ” This site can’t be reached.” Solution: Update your Google Chrome browser to the latest version. Visit Google’s help site for instructions to update your browser.  

Known Issue – Upcoming Hypothesis Maintenance 5/25

Hypothesis will be unavailable through Blackboard on Saturday, May 25, 2024 from 2:01am – 10:00am. Hypothesis will be enhancing their systems with a scheduled maintenance. We will send out another reminder closer to this date. If you have any questions, please contact CIT for more information.  

Known Issue – Eduroam Certificate Expires Thurs 5-2

The current Eduroam certificate expires on Thursday, May 2, and must be replaced. If your computer prompts you to accept a new Eduroam certificate on Thursday, please accept/trust the new certification to continue an uninterrupted Wi-Fi experience. For more information and assistance, please contact UA’s IT Service Desk.

Resolved – Turnitin Similarity Report Slowness

Resolved April 23, 2024 at 2:37 PM CT. The Similarity Report service has been restored. The incident occurred between the following times: Central Time: April 21, 12:20 AM – April 23, 1:45 PM   Turnitin experienced a service incident around 1:00 AM on April 22, 2024. Turnitin Support has put in a fix and they…

Known Issue – Panopto Video Playback

An issue, starting January 29, 2024, causes attempts to view Panopto videos to fail intermittently. Panopto Support is working to resolve this issue.  CIT will update this post as we receive more information.

Resolved – Panopto errors

Update 1/6/24 @2:45 PM: The errors with student submissions and video playback are resolved. There is a known issue regarding error messages while using Panopto lecture capture software. Users may experience an error while submitting a panopto video assignment or viewing videos with clips. Panopto Support is investigating this issue. We will keep you updated…

Known Issue – Turnitin maintenance Jan 27

Upcoming scheduled maintenance notice Turnitin will have a planned 4 hour maintenance window on Saturday, January 27, 2024 10:30 AM – 2:30 PM. The following services will be impacted: Turnitin Feedback Studio Turnitin Draft Coach Gradescope  

Known Issue – Third-party tools may give errors in Blackboard

Users may receive an error message when accessing third-party tools and integrations within Blackboard. Third-party tools and integrations allow you to easily access information, documents, and services outside of Blackboard Learn. Textbook publisher content is an example of a third-party tool. Old integrations are phasing out Some integrations are phasing out and being replaced with…

Known Issue – 12/15 Box Service Disruption

11:50AM – Box has announced they have identified the root cause and services are returned. Visit for updates. 11AM – Box has announced a complete service disruption and has confirmed this issue is impacting all Box Services. Users attempting to use Box may see errors and timeouts, but for the most part, services will…

Known Issue – 12/12 Blackboard Maintenance

In Blackboard, the Institution page may not be available during a maintenance window starting at 2:00 AM Central on Tuesday, December 12, 2023. This maintenance should last for about an hour. Users may receive a “503 Service Temporarily Unavailable” message, but they should still be able to access their courses. Please contact the Center for…