
Known Issue – Panopto maintenance changed to Nov 3

Update: The Panopto Cloud maintenance has changed to Friday, November 3, 2023. Our site will be down for maintenance from 10:00 pm to 11:30 pm. Please contact the Center for Instructional Technology if you have any questions.  

New Zoom cloud recordings will also be saved in Panopto

Beginning Oct. 27, 2023, a copy of all new Zoom sessions recorded to the cloud will automatically be saved to Panopto, UA’s media manager and lecture capture tool. Users will experience no changes to their Zoom account and will continue to have the option to store recordings on their computer or in the cloud. Sessions…

October 10 Instructor News from the Center for Instructional Technology

Happy Fall!   Below, you’ll find announcements and events to assist you with teaching and learning needs. As always, email, call 205-348-3532, or stop by A203 Gordon Palmer Hall for assistance with UA’s instructional tech tools.    Instructional Tech Resources and Reminders  The CIT Knowledge Base is your clearinghouse for tutorials, known issues, and best…

September 19 Instructional Technology News

Greetings from your Center for Instructional Technology! Below, you’ll find announcements and events to assist you with teaching and learning needs. As always, email, call 205-348-3532, or stop by A203 Gordon Palmer Hall for assistance with UA’s instructional tech tools. Fall 2023 Faculty Prep Days Thank you to all who attended the Fall 2023…

Resolved – AWS disruption affects multiple services Sep 18

Resolved: The issue with AWS was resolved on September 18, 2023 around 11:15 PM. The full details are on the Amazon Web Services status page. CIT is aware of an issue with Amazon Web Services (AWS) that is affecting some instructional technologies. We have received reports that some cloud based tools, like Panopto and Turnitin,…

Known Issue – Panopto Service Disruption Sep 8

Update 9/8/23 @11:52 pm: There is still a sporadic issue with users logging in to Panopto. Panopto Support is building and testing a fix that they will deploy tonight. We will update the post when it is resolved. CIT is aware of an unplanned Panopto service disruption. This means some users will be unable to…

August 24 Instructor News from the Center for Instructional Technology 

Welcome to Fall 2023 from your Center for Instructional Technology! Below, you’ll find announcements and events to assist you with teaching and learning needs. As always, email, call 205-348-3532, or stop by A203 Gordon Palmer Hall for assistance with UA’s instructional tech tools.  Simple Syllabus –Per the UA Syllabus Policy, Fall 2023 syllabi must…

Resolved – Accessing Simple Syllabus

Resolved 8/23: This issue should be resolved. If you still have issues with accessing syllabi, please contact us through our support portal. Update 10:00 AM: Simple Syllabus is aware of intermittent connectivity issues. Their team is working to resolve this issue. CIT is aware of issues accessing syllabi via Simple Syllabus. We are working on…

Known Issue – UA Online Video Maintenance Aug 26

Important: This message is for UA Online courses only Mediasite (video platform) will have a scheduled maintenance on Saturday, August 26, 2023 between 12:01 AM and 4:00 AM CDT. Sonic Foundry, the parent company of Mediasite, will be updating Mediasite Video Cloud to the latest release during this maintenance window. Extended downtime is not expected.…

Known Issue – Access Granted as Blackboard home page

CIT is aware of an issue where the Access Granted materials page shows as the home page in a Blackboard course. We have a workaround for instructors to access their homepage. View our knowledge base article: Why do I see Access Granted materials instead of my Course Home Page? Please let us know if you…
