
April Instructor News from the Center for Instructional Technology   

Hello from your colleagues in CIT! Below, you’ll find announcements and events to assist you with teaching and learning needs.      We are ready to make changes: Share Your Insights on CIT’s Monthly Instructor Newsletter   CIT is dedicated to keeping you informed and engaged with instructional technology news. As part of our ongoing efforts to…

Turnitin and Gradescope Maintenance April 20

Please be aware that Turnitin has scheduled down time on Saturday, April 20 for 5 hours. This is a maintenance window from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM CDT. Turnitin and Gradescope will be unavailable to all students and faculty during this time.    

March Instructor News from the Center for Instructional Technology   

Hello from your colleagues in CIT! Below, you’ll find announcements and events to assist you with teaching and learning needs.      Launch of UA Accessibility Forum   UA’s Technology Accessibility Team is excited to announce the launch of the Accessibility Forum.  The forum aims to unite the campus community and share accessibility wins, updates, and other…

Launch of UA’s New Accessibility Forum

UA’s Technology Accessibility Team is excited to announce the launch of the Accessibility Forum. The forum aims to unite the campus community and share accessibility wins, updates, and other accessibility-related information. All campus members are invited to the first meeting scheduled for March 5, in A232 Gordon Palmer at 9:00 am. We are excited to…

February Instructor News from the Center for Instructional Technology   

Hello from your colleagues in CIT! Below, you’ll find announcements and events to assist you with teaching and learning needs.    Safeguard your and your students’ rights and data.  Please ensure that all official UA communications, including email communications between students and faculty, are conducted via approved tools such as Blackboard or your UA email account.…

Known Issue – Panopto Video Playback

An issue, starting January 29, 2024, causes attempts to view Panopto videos to fail intermittently. Panopto Support is working to resolve this issue.  CIT will update this post as we receive more information.

Resolved – Panopto errors

Update 1/6/24 @2:45 PM: The errors with student submissions and video playback are resolved. There is a known issue regarding error messages while using Panopto lecture capture software. Users may experience an error while submitting a panopto video assignment or viewing videos with clips. Panopto Support is investigating this issue. We will keep you updated…

Known Issue – Turnitin maintenance Jan 27

Upcoming scheduled maintenance notice Turnitin will have a planned 4 hour maintenance window on Saturday, January 27, 2024 10:30 AM – 2:30 PM. The following services will be impacted: Turnitin Feedback Studio Turnitin Draft Coach Gradescope  

January Instructor News from the Center for Instructional Technology 

Happy New Year from your colleagues in CIT!  Below, you’ll find announcements and events to assist you with teaching and learning needs.      Join CIT for the 2024 Spring Faculty Prep Days   Save the date for the Center for Instructional Technology’s 2024 Spring Faculty Prep Days on Jan. 8 & 9. Join CIT for two…

Known Issue – Third-party tools may give errors in Blackboard

Users may receive an error message when accessing third-party tools and integrations within Blackboard. Third-party tools and integrations allow you to easily access information, documents, and services outside of Blackboard Learn. Textbook publisher content is an example of a third-party tool. Old integrations are phasing out Some integrations are phasing out and being replaced with…
