
RESOLVED – Panopto Service Incident – System Outage Nov 20

RESOLVED as of 10:02AM Central. For lingering issues or other needs, contact Panopto is currently experiencing an outage and is unavailable to all users. CIT will update this announcement when more information is available or the service is restored. Panopto Status Page

Resolved – Turnitin QuickMarks Issue

Resolved 11/14/24: Turnitin Support has resolved many of these issues individually. If you are still experiencing issues with viewing feedback or QuickMark comments, please contact CIT for further troubleshooting.   Turnitin Support is investigating and issue with the visibility of QuickMarks and comments while grading in the Feedback Studio. QuickMarks and comments are the annotations…

November 2024 Instructor News from The Center for Instructional Technology

Greetings from your Center for Instructional Technology! CIT provides training, support, and consultations for UA’s instructional technologies and technology accessibility. Visit to find step-by-step guides with pictures, discover upcoming workshops and webinars, or book an appointment. You can also reach us at or 205-348-3532 or visit us in A203 Gordon Palmer Hall.​ This…

Blackboard Scheduled Downtime 12-21-24

Anthology (Blackboard’s parent company) will be performing scheduled maintenance. This maintenance will ensure optimal performance, security, and up-to-date technology. Expected downtime: 6 hours Impact: UA’s Blackboard will be unavailable to all users during this maintenance. When: December 21, 2024 ; start time 1:16 AM Please contact the Center for Instructional Technology if you have questions…

Known Issue – Simple Syllabus syllabi status error

Simple Syllabus is experiencing a bug on their end that may cause the following issues: Some users may experience an issue with the status of their syllabus showing Complete but not Published. When attempting to publish, users may receive an error message that states, “This syllabus will be published when the following component is created:…

Resolved – Turnitin Service Incident 10/28

Update: Issue Resolved The incident occurred between 9:30 AM and 2:05 PM on 10/28/24. Visit Turnitin’s status page to view the incident report. Turnitin is experiencing an unexpected service incident. Users may experience slowness and/or error messages when accessing the tool or submitting and accessing reports. This incident began around 11:52 AM on 10/28/24. We…

Known Issue – Blackboard email notifications issue

CIT received multiple reports of issues with the Send Email tool and issues with Blackboard email notifications. Anthology Support is aware of this issue and they are working to resolve it. This issue began around 9:30 AM on October 7, 2024. Update, 10/8/24: Anthology’s investigations identified the issue was due to email notification infrastructure becoming…

October 2024 Instructor News from The Center for Instructional Technology 

Greetings from your Center for Instructional Technology! CIT provides training, support, and consultations for UA’s instructional technologies and technology accessibility. Visit to find step-by-step guides with pictures, discover upcoming workshops and webinars, or book an appointment. You can also reach us at or 205-348-3532 or visit us in A203 Gordon Palmer Hall.​ This…

Known Issue – Respondus tests and Mac Keyboards

There is a known issue where pressing the function key that leads to the emoji menu can cause a freeze for the keyboard (Mac users). This issue will be resolved by Respondus within the next few weeks. Until then, students must perform a hard shut down on the device, then start LockDown Browser again. Contact…

Ultra course Messages options now available

Instructors can now adjust message settings in Ultra Course View. They can set the following limits on messages within the course: Students can message anyone in their course Students can only message staff and students in their groups Students can only message staff Students can only reply to messages Turn all messages off, which sends…
