An upcoming change to Blackboard Learn will impact export and archive packages created within a Blackboard Learn course.
Course packages created after the March 3, 2022 upgrade will expire and auto-delete 30 days after the creation date.
Existing user-generated course packages will be set to expire in 90 days from the March 3, 2022 upgrade.
In keeping with the LMS Course Retention Policy, Blackboard Learn courses are subject to removal from the system two (2) years following the end of the semester in which they are taught. Blackboard’s export course feature is one method by which instructors can back up content; it creates a ZIP file of your course content that can be used to create a new course. CIT recommends storing these files in Box or OneDrive.
Information about and step-by-step instructions for exporting courses can be found on Blackboard’s Help site: Export a course
Information about the change to user-generated course packages can be found in the release notes for the March 2022 upgrade: Automatic cleanup of user-created archive and export packages – 3900.34.0