Hello and welcome to fall semester 2019! The Center for Instructional Technology (CIT), formerly the Faculty Resource Center, is here to support your use of The University of Alabama’s enterprise-wide instructional technologies. For Fall 2019, there are some notable changes to our supported technologies:
Blackboard Learn
- You may get a Privacy User Agreement checkbox when logging into Blackboard Learn for the first time since our May 2019 upgrade. This user agreement is Blackboard’s notification of compliance with the GDPR privacy regulations.https://cit.ua.edu/blackboard-learn-privacy-notice-2/
- UA’s Blackboard theme/color scheme was recently updated, so some colors may display differently for you. If some of your course text is less legible, visithttps://cit.ua.edu/black-course-menu-text/
Tegrity Lecture Capture
- McGraw Hill, Tegrity’s parent company, has announced that they will discontinue support for Tegrity in 2020. Panopto (https://cit.ua.edu/technologies/panopto/) has been chosen to replace Tegrity as UA’s primary lecture capture solution. Fall 2019 is the last semester that Tegrity will be available. Panopto is available now in most of our multimedia classrooms. The workflow for Panopto is similar to Tegrity and it offers new features as well. Instructors can download the Panopto recorder to make recordings on their office or home computers. We will migrate some frequently used and newly created Tegrity content into Panopto this Fall. Users will have an opportunity to request that recordings be transferred into Panopto. If you have any questions about this transition, contactcit@ua.edu.
Turning Technologies Clickers
- We have updated the Turning Technologies clicker connection with Blackboard to make the tools synch more successfully. Instructors MUST click on the clicker registration link in their Blackboard course BEFORE using clickers in class. Please see the updated tutorials on our website to view the new process for downloading a course list and other changes. https://cit.ua.edu/technologies/turning-technologies/
Campus WIFI
- This summer, the wireless network WPA2 was decommissioned. Eduroam is now the official wireless internet network at UA. Connect with your mybamausername@ua.edu email address and myBama password. More information is available at https://oit.ua.edu/service/wifi/
Adobe Creative Cloud in Labs
- Adobe has changed how it licenses its software. Now all students, faculty and staff that access Adobe products in a computer lab will be required to login with an AdobeID. Faculty and staff will login with an Enterprise Adobe ID provided by UA. To create this ID, visit https://oit.ua.edu/adobe/. Students will login with a free Adobe ID. To create this ID, students can visit https://www.adobe.com/. More information is available at https://oit.ua.edu/adobe/
The CIT also supports the technologies that integrate with Blackboard – Box, Turnitin, Collaborate, TurningPoint (clickers), and VoiceThread, to name a few. Please visit cit.ua.edu and accessibility.ua.edu to explore our instructional technology and accessibility support offerings. We have a full schedule of workshops and webinars for the Fall semester, as well as our tutorials, on our website. We can also assist you with setting up your professional website via people.ua.edu. Visit the People site to request a website and schedule a workshop. To check on the status of our technologies, visit our Known Issues page at https://cit.ua.edu/category/known-issues/.
Contact us via email at cit@ua.edu.
Have a great semester!