
Known Issue – Panopto Remote Recorder in Windows 11

Microsoft has made some changes to the audio recording service in Windows 11 that affect the Panopto Remote Recorder. This is not affecting users that record through the Panopto desktop application, web version, or Blackboard. If you have or plan to upgrade to Windows 11, Panopto may not be able to record audio until a…

Turnitin Maintenance Reminder – Aug 12

Turnitin will take an 8 hour maintenance window on Saturday, August 12, 09:00AM – 5:00PM,  with the following services being unavailable during these times: Turnitin Draft Coach Gradescope Feedback Studio for iOS Please let us know if you have any questions by submitting a request to our support portal.

August 3 Instructor Technology News

Fall 2023 Faculty Prep Days Join the Center for Instructional Technology August 16 and 17 to get your Fall courses polished and ready to go. CIT is hosting two days of workshops and one-on-one technical and pedagogical assistance. Register for a session(s) you would like to attend or drop by and receive one-on-one help setting…

Known Issue – Turnitin AI writing detection unavailable

Turnitin’s AI writing detection feature is no longer available in Blackboard. The AI writing detection report is located in the Similarity area of the Feedback Studio and is only visible to instructors and administrator users. This feature was a temporary addition to our Turnitin environment, and we are not continuing its use based on the…

Resolved- Qualtrics Access Error

Update: This issue is resolved. Users should be able to access Qualtrics through the URL without receiving an error message. If you are still receiving an error, please let us know. CIT is aware of an issue where users get an error message when trying to access We are working on this and…

Adobe Professional Faculty Training

This fall, the Center for Instructional Technology is partnering with Adobe to offer four customized Adobe training sessions exclusive to UA faculty members. Each session is instructed by an Adobe certified trainer and designed to share ideas and resources for infusing creative thinking and communication in the classroom. Participants will receive a certificate and digital…

Respondus 4.0 Campus-Wide Reactivation

Each year we provide a new “activation password” that can be used to reactivate a copy of Respondus 4.0 that was previously installed or to install a new copy of the software. New installations of Respondus 4.0 can begin using this password information immediately. Current users may be prompted to enter the new password upon…

Known Issue – Simple Syllabus lists incorrect required materials

CIT has received reports from several instructors that Required Texts are listed incorrectly for Fall syllabi in Simple Syllabus. Please follow these steps to begin troubleshooting this issue: Check The University Supply Store website to confirm that the listed texts are correct. If the texts are listed incorrectly at the Supe Store website, email…

Known Issue – Turnitin AI feature ends August 1

Turnitin’s AI writing detection feature will become unavailable on August 1, 2023. The AI writing detection report is located in the Similarity area of the Feedback Studio and is only visible to instructors and administrator users. This feature was a temporary addition to our Turnitin environment, and we are not continuing its use based on…

Known Issue – August 12 Turnitin Maintenance

Turnitin will take an 8 hour maintenance window on August 12, 09:00AM – 5:00PM,  with the following services being unavailable during these times: Turnitin (including all Integrations) Originality (including all Integrations) Similarity (including Integrations) Draft Coach Gradescope (Code Similarity & LTI 1.3 Only) Feedback Studio for iOS CIT will post another reminder about this maintenance…
