- Executive Director Dr. Ivon Foster-McGowan and Big Al at New Faculty Orientation
- First Day UA greetings from CIT!
- Program Manager Dr. Karen Burns and UAPD friends
- Instructional Technologist Melissa Fortson leads a Faculty Prep Days session.
- CIT staff handed out elephants, mugs, and other goodies during welcome events.
- CIT Director Dr. Rachel Thompson presents at New Faculty Orientation.
Greetings from your Center for Instructional Technology! Happy #FirstDayUA and best wishes for a successful semester to students and instructors starting classes today.
CIT provides training, support, and consultations for UA’s instructional technologies and technology accessibility. Visit cit.ua.edu to find step-by-step guides with pictures, discover upcoming workshops and webinars, or book an appointment. You can also reach us at cit@ua.edu or 205-348-3532 or visit us in A203 Gordon Palmer Hall.
If you’re receiving CIT’s Instructor News for the first time, you may wish to read the August edition, which reports on several summer updates: August 2024 Instructor News from the Center for Instructional Technology
This #FirstDayUA edition features information and resources to support teaching and learning needs, with a focus on getting started and getting help with UA’s instructional technologies.
A Strong Start
Thanks to those who attended Faculty Prep Days, held August 15 & 16, 2024 in Gordon Palmer Hall and online. Faculty Prep Days is a CIT event designed to help you get your courses ready with in-person and virtual workshops and one-on-one help. Over 80 faculty members and other instructors registered to join two days of in-person and virtual workshops and one-on-one help. We are working on adding session recordings to our website and will email registered participants and share with the instructor listserv when they are available.
It’s Nice To Meet You
New Faculty Orientation was held August 19 & 20, 2024, at the Bryant Conference Center. In addition to offering Simple Syllabus and Blackboard sessions, CIT staff shared information about technology resources and support and welcomed new faculty to our table for conversation and giveaways. Many thanks to The Office for Academic Affairs for inviting us to join you in informing, guiding, and welcoming new faculty.
CIT also participated in Graduate Assistant Orientation and the Graduate Orientation and Welcome (GROW) social event at the Cypress Inn Pavilion, welcoming new graduate students to our table, sharing information about instructional technologies and supports for grad students and those teaching while learning. Thank you to the Graduate School for the opportunity to meet and greet incoming students (and give away many red elephants).
The CIT Knowledge Base – Tutorials, Known Issues, and Best Practices
The CIT Knowledge Base (“KB”) features quick answers to frequently asked questions and step-by-step instructions for common tasks, such as:
- Getting Started with Blackboard Learn how to navigate your courses; create content; use discussions, course messages, announcements and other features for communication and engagement; create Blackboard and Turnitin assignments and tests; enable with accessibility features; continue your learning though workshops and webinars; and other start of semester essentials.
- Using the Blackboard Browser Checker to find out whether your browser supports the most recent release of Blackboard.
- How can I communicate with students? Options include the Blackboard Announcement, Course Messages, and Send Email tools and myBama roster email.
- How do I organize my list of courses? Find, favorite, hide, and more.
- How can I remind students to submit an assignment? Send email reminders from the Grade Center.
- How do I add extended-time or provide another test accommodation in Blackboard? Use exceptions to provide accommodations to students with disabilities and others who might benefit from additional testing time for technology, language, or other needs.
The knowledge base also includes articles you can share with your students, such as Getting Started for Blackboard with Students and Testing Tips for Students. You can also correct or suggest a KB article. We welcome your input!
Simple Syllabus
Simple Syllabus – Per the UA Syllabus Policy, Fall 2024 syllabi must be published by the first day a class meets. Visit UA Simple Syllabus support site for workshops, and other resources.
- Need help getting started with Simple Syllabus? Getting Started with Simple Syllabus
- Need help publishing your syllabus? Publish the syllabus
- Need help adding your syllabus to a course? Add a syllabus link to your Blackboard course
- Issues with course materials listed in Simple Syllabus? Confirm that the right texts are listed with University Supply Store, textbook@ua.edu. If the correct materials are listed with the SUPe Store, they will update in Simple overnight. Email cit@ua.edu if they do not update in Simple.
- Two new optional components have been added to Simple Syllabus. Instructors may include one or both of the following in their syllabi as they deem appropriate. These optional items will not be displayed on the syllabus if no information is entered in the respective components.
- Generative AI Tools: Instructors may include a syllabus statement regarding the use of generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT. In the Help section of this syllabus component, instructors may review and select one of three suggested statements to be included on the syllabus based on their preference. These statements can be copied and pasted into the component text box.
- Controversial Topics: Instructors may also include a statement in the syllabus if they believe there are topics in the course which may be considered controversial. The sample statement listed in the Help section of this component may be copied and pasted into the component text box.
CIT Technology and Tool Highlights
Our most recent newsletter reports on many summer updates: August 2024 Instructor News from the Center for Instructional Technology
Upcoming Learning Opportunities
Learn with us! CIT regularly hosts workshops and webinars on UA instructional technologies and technology accessibility. We are also pleased to offer individual consultations and group instruction by request.
08.22 | Blackboard Learn Ultra User Group (partner event)
08.26 | Teaching with Blackboard: Blackboard Original Basics (webinar)
08.27 & 08.28 | Web Accessibility in Mind Virtual Conference (partner event)
08.30 | Meet the New Blackboard: Blackboard Ultra (webinar)
About This Message
All UA instructors of record are automatically subscribed to updates about Blackboard and other instructional technology. UA community members who would like to be added to the communications list for CIT news can email cit@ua.edu.