Category: Announcements

A Message from the Provost | Blackboard Ultra

From: Office for Academic Affairs <>Sent: Monday, March 3, 2025 9:01 AMTo:Subject: A Message from the Provost | Blackboard Ultra Dear Faculty,‌‌ The University of Alabama has been transitioning to Blackboard Ultra as the University’s enterprise-supported learning management system (LMS) since 2022. This transition is an important part of creating a more student-centered university and brings many benefits…

Blackboard Scheduled Downtime 12-21-24

Anthology (Blackboard’s parent company) will be performing scheduled maintenance. This maintenance will ensure optimal performance, security, and up-to-date technology. Expected downtime: 6 hours Impact: UA’s Blackboard will be unavailable to all users during this maintenance. When: December 21, 2024 ; start time 1:16 AM Please contact the Center for Instructional Technology if you have questions…

Known Issue – Respondus tests and Mac Keyboards

There is a known issue where pressing the function key that leads to the emoji menu can cause a freeze for the keyboard (Mac users). This issue will be resolved by Respondus within the next few weeks. Until then, students must perform a hard shut down on the device, then start LockDown Browser again. Contact…

Ultra course Messages options now available

Instructors can now adjust message settings in Ultra Course View. They can set the following limits on messages within the course: Students can message anyone in their course Students can only message staff and students in their groups Students can only message staff Students can only reply to messages Turn all messages off, which sends…

July 2024 Instructor News from the Center for Instructional Technology 

Hello from your colleagues in CIT! Below, you’ll find announcements and events to assist you with teaching and learning needs. Join CIT for the 2024 Faculty Prep Days, August 15 & 16 Save the date to join The Center for Instructional Technology to get your Fall courses polished and ready to go. CIT is hosting…

Fall 2024 Faculty Prep Days

SAVE THE DATE: Fall Faculty Prep Days August 15 & 16 Join The Center for Instructional Technology to get your Fall courses polished and ready to go. CIT is hosting two days of workshops and one-on-one technical and pedagogical assistance to get you ready for the Fall semester. CIT will share more information about the event,…

Turnitin and Gradescope Maintenance April 20

Please be aware that Turnitin has scheduled down time on Saturday, April 20 for 5 hours. This is a maintenance window from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM CDT. Turnitin and Gradescope will be unavailable to all students and faculty during this time.    

Known Issue- Panopto Service Disruption

Panopto has announced that it is experiencing a service disruption and that users may experience errors with all aspects of Panopto, including login, recording, playback, editing, browsing, and viewing. Panopto will update this issue announcement by 17-Nov-2023 7PM Central.  

Turnitin New Feature – Resync Grade

Turnitin released a “Resync Grade” feature for instructors to use in the Assignment Inbox. If a student’s grade is not synced to the Grade Center, this should resolve that issue. Here are steps to find this feature: Click on the link for a Turnitin assignment. In the Assignment Inbox, select the More menu (•••). Choose…