Blackboard Workshops and Webinars

CIT offers workshops, webinars, and individual and group training on Blackboard Ultra and other UA instructional technologies. Register for upcoming offerings, watch recorded sessions, or request a virtual or in-person consultation or training with CIT staff.

The Ultra Demo & Info Session session is 30 minutes long. For other topics, we typically reserve 1 hour for a lecture/demonstration and 2 hours for a hands-on workshop.

Blackboard Ultra Workshops and Webinars

Meet the New Blackboard: Blackboard Ultra Demo & Info Session

A simpler, more modern Blackboard is here! UA instructors can now explore—and teach with—Blackboard Ultra Course View. CIT and OTIDE have established a goal of having all courses designed and delivered in “Ultra” by Spring 2026. Join us for a 30-minute presentation followed by Q&A to see Ultra for yourself and find out what you need to do to prepare.

Upcoming sessions

Recorded session


Blackboard Ultra Basics

The new Blackboard is here! Join this session to learn the basics: navigation, key features, and how to build course content from scratch and by copying from Original courses.

Upcoming sessions

Recorded session


Blackboard Ultra AI Design Assistant – Coming soon!

Learn how to easily create learning modules, test questions and question banks, grading rubrics, images, and more – Blackboard’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) Design Assistant helps instructors create and design courses using generative AI.

Recorded session


Blackboard Ultra: Analytics for Instructors

Learn about Ultra features you can use to keep track of how your students are performing and how they are interacting with your course, such as the Student Activity Log, Course Activity Report, Student Activity Details for Assessments, Student Activity Details for Courses, Observer Role, and Analytics.


Blackboard Ultra: Creating Dynamic Content

Build your Ultra course! Learn how to create new content, copy content from other courses, and add content from external sources, such as academic publishers.


Blackboard Ultra: Communicating with Students

Learn how to use Announcements, Messages, Discussions, and email to communicate with students. We’ll also explore Class Conversations, an Ultra feature than allows students to discuss course content with you and their classmates.


Blackboard Ultra: Assessing Student Learning

Learn how to create and evaluate Assignments, Tests, and other assessments. We’ll also talk about grades and feedback, rubrics, and accommodations.

Recorded session


Blackboard Ultra: Collaborative and Personalized Learning

Learn how to use Groups, Release Conditions, Progress Tracking, and other features to engage students in active learning though customized learning paths and group activities.

Recorded session


Blackboard Ultra: Grading and Managing the Gradebook

Explore grading workflows, set up and adjust the Gradebook, and navigate the Gradebook’s student view.

Recorded session


Blackboard: Transitioning Original Courses to Ultra Courses

In Ultra, you can copy content from other courses you teach so you don’t have to start with a blank slate. Join this session to learn how to copy an entire course or individual course items from Original to Ultra courses. We’ll also look at Ultra Course Preview, which instructors can use to see changes before converting their courses permanently, and CIT resources for course conversion.


Blackboard Original Workshops and Webinars

CIT is no longer scheduling Original Course View workshops and webinars. You may explore these resources for teaching with Original and/or request a virtual or in-person consultation or training with CIT staff.