UA instructors can now explore—and teach with—Blackboard Ultra Course View.
An alternative to the traditional Blackboard experience, “Ultra” offers a simple, modern, intuitive, and consistent interface across devices and a more streamlined experience for instructors and students.
Ultra Timeline
Present – Spring 2026
All courses to be designed and delivered in Blackboard Ultra Course View by Spring 2026. This goal has been established by The Center for Instructional Technology and the Office of Teaching Innovation and Digital Education.
Why move to Ultra course view?
Ultra Course View offers a simple, modern, intuitive, and consistent interface across devices and a simpler, more streamlined experience for instructors and students.
All UA courses are moving to Ultra by Spring 2026. The Center for Instructional Technology (CIT) and the Office of Teaching Innovation and Digital Education (OTIDE) have the goal of moving all courses to Ultra Course View by Spring 2026.
Compare Course Views
Blackboard Original
The classic course view
Blackboard Ultra
A new, modern course view
Course preparation
- Review the feature comparison list.
- Preview your current content in Ultra.
- Use your UA Ultra Practice Course to get familiar with the layout.
- Use the Try it Out Checklist to complete basic course building tasks.
- Use the Ultra Conversion Workbook to work on your course content.
exclamation Attention OTIDE Courses
Courses managed by OTIDE cannot move to Ultra unless arranged with OTIDE. These courses and programs will transition to Ultra based on their revision schedules, program interest, and other factors.
Are you ready for Ultra?
All instructors can explore Ultra Course View. Request a practice course to begin your journey to Ultra.
Instructors of non-OTIDE courses may now teach with Ultra Course View. Request a Live course to teach with Ultra in the upcoming semester.
Blackboard Ultra Resources
Visit the CIT Knowledge Base for step-by-step guides, videos, and answers to frequently asked questions.
Explore our self-service support guides for students
Explore our self-service support guides for instructors
Blackboard Ultra Workshops and Webinars
CIT offers workshops, webinars, and individual and group training on Blackboard and other UA instructional technologies.

We'd love to share this information at your department or faculty meeting, in-service day, etc.. Request an Ultra demo, an info session, a workshop, or a webinar on one of these topics:
- Blackboard Ultra Demonstration & Information Session
- Blackboard Ultra Basics
- Blackboard AI Design Assistant – coming soon!
- Analytics for Instructors
- Creating Dynamic Content
- Communicating with Students
- Assessing Student Learning
- Collaborative and Personalized Learning
- Grading and Managing the Gradebook
- Transitioning Original Courses to Ultra Courses