Gradescope is now being integrated with UA’s Blackboard Learn system. It is often used for evaluating handwritten responses, programming, diagrams, formulae, and other coursework that can be challenging to assess virtually.
Join us for the online workshop and learn how instructors use Gradescope. The workshop will offer guidance on how to deliver assessments remotely and outline various assessment options to meet your immediate needs, including:
- Fully online assignments, no paper required
- Existing paper-based assignments
- Combining online and paper-based approaches
We will also cover the grading and rubric-building workflow on Gradescope and walk attendees through both the instructor and student interface for creating and submitting assignments and viewing feedback.
You will learn how to:
- Grade your existing exams and homework on Gradescope
- Grade groups of answers at once
- Make rubric changes as you grade – changes apply to previously graded work to maintain consistency
- Write each comment only once – apply previously used comments with a click
- Create better rubrics to increase student learning
- Use ‘assignment analytics’ to gain insight into student learning
Available workshops:
- Tuesday, June 2, 3:30pm – 4:30pm Central
- A second workshop may be scheduled as needed
Register and reserve your spot here: