Category: Announcements

Gradescope User Summit 2021

University of Alabama has a Gradescope license available for all faculty to use and is integrated with Blackboard Learn. If you aren’t yet using Gradescope to collect and grade assessments, we invite you to try it out in your courses. Gradescope recently hosted its Gradescope User Summit. Instructors presented on a variety of topics including:…

Collaborate Ultra Maintenance: 4/8 1-5 AM CDT

Blackboard will be deploying Collaborate Ultra v21.06 release to US (AWS Virginia). Collaborate Ultra customers will experience intermittent availability during the maintenance window, Thursday, April 8, 2021 1:00 AM CDT-Thursday, April 8, 2021 5:00 AM CDT. See release notes for new Collaborate Ultra features and upgrades, such as: See more students with Gallery view Whiteboard…

Important Respondus Monitor Announcement

Dear colleagues, Due to concerns with Respondus Monitor’s facial detection functions, Respondus has disabled those functions for all UA users. While instructors will continue to see the face detection options in settings, they are turned off by default and cannot be enabled. Students will still be prompted to ensure proper camera positioning before starting the…

Possible Collaborate Ultra Downtime – Early AM 2/19, 2/25, 2/26, 3/5

Blackboard Collaborate Ultra will be performing scheduled infrastructure maintenance during the times listed below. February 19, 2021 1:00 AM – 5:00 AM CST February 25, 2021 1:00 AM-  5:00 AM CST **expect intermittent availability** February 26, 2021 1:00 AM – 5:00 AM CST March 5, 2021 1:00 AM – 5:00 AM CST While we anticipate…

Scheduled Maintenance 2/13: Video Feedback in Blackboard Assignment Grading

Scheduled Maintenance, February 13, 2021: Video Recording Feedback in Blackboard Learn Assignment Grading Instructors can record video feedback to students as they are grading assignments in Learn courses. This recording feature is provided by some subcomponents of Blackboard Collaborate. Those components require maintenance over a window of a maximum of 3 hours on Saturday, February…

New Box User Interface

Today, Jan. 7, OIT will be enabling the new Box user interface for all UA users. The new interface features a sleek design and provides users with the ability to better organize content. Learn more on the Box Website.

Dec. 25 Blackboard Data Center Maintenance

Blackboard Operations will be performing data center maintenance Friday, Dec. 25 from 1am – 5am. A 30-minute outage is expected for UA’s instance of Blackboard Learn at some point during the maintenance window.

VoiceThread Maintenance 12/22 – No Impact Expected

On December 22, 2020 at 8:00am CST, VoiceThread will be making a low-risk change to the Content Delivery Network configuration. This should not have any impact on VoiceThread availability or service speed, but we are letting you know in the unlikely event that you do experience some slowness of media loading at that time. Date:…

Panopto Maintenance

Panopto Cloud will be updated with new features and improvements on Saturday, Dec. 19. Panopto will be unavailable from 8pm – 11pm during the maintenance window.