Category: Announcements

Blackboard Learn Course Messages Module Discontinued

The Blackboard Learn course messages module formerly on the My Courses and My Institutions tabs is no longer available. This tool was independently developed and is no longer functional. Course messages still work within Blackboard courses and can be accessed in the course tools menu.

Blackboard Ally now enabled in all courses

In order to help instructors and students transition to online learning, Blackboard Ally for LMS has been enabled in all Blackboard courses. Ally helps make digital course content more accessible by automatically providing alternative formats (such as semantic HTML, audio, ePub, and electronic Braille) and providing instructor feedback and guidance on fixing accessibility issues in a course.…

Blackboard Collaborate Ultra – March 26 Maintenance

Blackboard will be performing scheduled infrastructure maintenance for Collaborate Ultra on Thursday, March 26, 2020 between 1 a.m. – 5 a.m. CDT. Collaborate Ultra users will experience intermittent availability during this maintenance window.

Collaborate Ultra Maintenance Saturday March 14

Blackboard will be performing unscheduled infrastructure maintenance for Collaborate Ultra in US (AWS Virginia) on Saturday, March 14, 2020 from 1:00 PM EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) GMT -4 hours to Saturday, March 14, 2020 6:00 PM EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) GMT -4 hours. The expected duration of downtime for this work is 3 hours, during…

Turnitin Outage – 17 February 4:41 a.m. – 5:49 a.m.

Turnitin had a brief, limited-impact 1 hour outage this morning between the hours of 4:41 a.m. – 5:49 a.m. CST. Users may have been unable to view Similarity Reports in Turnitin. Service has been restored.

MAC OS 10.13 support EOL for Desktop Products (Drive, Sync, Tools, Notes)

After April 30th, 2020, Box will end support for Box Drive, Box Sync,  Box Tools & Box Notes Desktop on Mac OS X 10.13.  Per Box’s OS support policy, they will maintain support for Box on the two latest versions of Mac OS X. To continue to enjoy Box support, please be sure you’re on…

Blackboard Collaborate Performance Issues

Tuesday, February 4, 2020 8:20 a.m. CST – Collaborate Original users may be experiencing trouble connecting to sessions or performance/latency issues while in sessions. If you have trouble connecting, please try again. Blackboard technicians are investigating the root cause of this issue.

myBama Unavailable 5 a.m. – 10 a.m. Jan. 26

myBama will be unavailable from 5 a.m. – 10 a.m. on Jan. 26 due to maintenance. During this maintenance window, as always, UA’s Blackboard Learn instance can still be reached via the direct URL at

Jan. 4, 2020 Panopto Update

Panopto will be updated with the latest features and improvements on Saturday, Jan 4th 2020. We expect up to 3 hours of downtime, with a target start time of 8:00 p.m. CST. During the update, users will not be able to access videos through Panopto, and any attempts to upload from recording clients will result…