Customizing the Blackboard Grade Center
Need to align your Grade Center with your course syllabus? Learn how to create columns, weight grades, and adjust your schema with CIT’s Blackboard Advanced: Setting Up the Grade Center YouTube video.
Midterm Grades due March 5 at Midnight
Midterm grades are due 3/5 at 11:59 p.m. Instructors are required to submit midterm grades for all 100- and 200-level courses. Midterm grading should be used to submit grades assigned for non-attendance.
Helpful Grading Info
- Importing Final and Midterm Grades from Blackboard into MyBama
- Assigning Non-Attendance Grade Reason in MyBama
- Non-Attendance Grade Requirements (from Registrar)
Zoom with Closed Captioning and Live Transcripts
Zoom live transcription is now available for UA Zoom accounts! This can be enabled by the host, and any participants can view the captioning as needed. Live transcription only supports English. To enable captioning, sign into the Zoom web portal and edit In Meeting (Advanced) Settings.